Monday, March 10, 2008

Birthday Girl - The Roots ft Patrick Stump

So seriously WTF is this joint from The Roots? I mean I can't really imagine anyone feeling this shit on a PURELY Hip Hop level unless they didn't grow up listening to Hip Hop. I mean I'm sure it's a nice little pop type of song but I don't think anyone is hoping to hear a song like this on a Roots album. This sounds like some Lupe influenced shit.

Now I have to say I saw The Roots live in concert with Outkast around 1999 and that shit was bananas, I definitely respect them but I havn't really been fuckin' with them since Things Fall Apart. I'll like a song here and there like "Star" but usually I'll only like a few joints on their albums, definitely not the same as Things Fall Apart and illadelph halflife.

When I listen to their albums after Things Fall Apart they just don't grab me musically, which is a shame because Black Thought is nasty on the mic. Which reminds me that he never did drop that solo album he was working on a while back.

Birthday Girl-The Roots

1 comment:

  1. This joint is HORRIBLE....dayum. I used to be the biggest Roots fan, but I also haven't really felt anything since "Things Fall Apart". I played both TFA and Illdelph non stop when they dropped.
