Monday, June 23, 2008

Brandon Jennings To Skip College and Play Professionally In Europe?

High School phenom and Hip2DaGame favorite, Brandon Jennings, is considering skipping college all together and going to play professional basketball in Europe. There is a catch though because he says this will only be an option if he doesn't qualify to play next season because of his test scores.

Brandon Jennings, who signed a letter of intent to play at Arizona, is looking at the unprecedented option of playing overseas next season to get ready for the 2009 NBA draft if he's not eligible to play for the Wildcats next season. Jennings said he will get his standardized test results back next Thursday. This is the third time he has taken a standardized test. Jennings said he was red-flagged for a jump in his score from the first to the second test. He said he didn't know his scores. (ESPN)

Since I'm greedy and I really want to see this kid play in college next year at Arizona, I really hope he gets good enough test scores so he will be eligible to play. We aren't talking about a minor talent in Jennings because he is arguably the best high school player in the class of 2008 and he certainly would have been a lottery pick if was able to participate in the NBA Draft this year. I would imagine he would be able to play well if he does end up in Europe but he is going to need a high level of maturity to be able to pull it off.

I'm surprised that nobody has tried to do this though even with qualifying test scores. If there's a freshman out there who is going to be one and done anyway, then he might as well go play in a professional league and get paid for it, instead of wasting his time in college. It sucks for the fans but it probably would help a player grow up and mature even more than being in the NBA. I'm sure we will see this happen at some point in the near future even if it's not Jennings who is the one to do it.

The other option for Jennings or any other high school senior who doesn't want to play in college but can't go straight to the NBA is the NBA D-League. However, there is a widespread feeling that any player who tries to go to the D-League will get some rough treatment from the other players in the league who will be gunning hard at them.

This is definitely something to keep an eye on with Jennings over the next few weeks. Wherever he ends up playing, you can bet that I will be following his play and giving the latest updates for everyone out there.

Previously: Brandon Jennings & Tyreke Evans Could Be One and Done

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