Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kevin Garnett Post Game Interview

Kevin Garnett is an animal. I'm not surprised he's not gonna sleep for a week, haha..classic. Here is his post game interview with Michelle Tafoya.

Here is another video from the post game locker room celebration, via Comcast New England:

And finally Kevin Garnett's post game intervew with the media....they beat that bully-ass up!

More: NBA Finals & NBA Playoffs


  1. KG might be the best sports personality in the country. Not only is he a spectacle of humor and emotion, he's actually a truly quality guy. The kind of player kids can look up to as a basketball player and a person. Congratulations and God bless KG.

  2. Com'n from a West Coast White Boy Laker fan (for 30 yrs.). KG worked long and hard; earned it, won it, and deserved it!! I hope his off the court endorsements surpass MJ, and his post game personality will be used to show young up and coming athletes how conduct themselves ... On and Off the Court!!
