Saturday, June 27, 2009

2009 NBA Draft Recap/NBA Trade Rumors: Ricky Rubio, DeJuan Blair, Ty Lawson, Hedo Turkoglu, Memphis Grizzlies, & More

Ricky Rubio: Seems pretty obvious that Rubio doesn't want to play for the Timberwolves and the Knicks look like the team who is pressing the hardest to acquire him. David Lee & Nate Robinson are the two names being talked about in trade rumors, but I don't really see how the Knicks could find enough minutes for Lee, since they already have Al Jefferson & Kevin Love. Most likely if they acquired Lee, they would then be trading somewhere else. Rubio is not showing up for his introductory press conference and has even said that he may return to play in Spain next season. This thing could get really messy or he could just be bluffing like Yi Jianlian did when he was drafted by the Bucks.

Ty Lawson: The Denver Nuggets got an absolute steal by trading for PG Ty Lawson, who is extremely underrated and will be GREAT off the bench for Denver. He probably could start for some NBA teams right now and the fact that Denver will have him coming off the bench along with J.R. Smith & Birdman is flat out scary. Denver might have the best bench in the league next year. I think the 76ers may have made a mistake by passing on him and going with the unproven Jrue Holiday.

DeJuan Blair: Surprised to see that Blair fell so far in the draft, but when his knees started being talked about I knew he was going to slip out of the lottery and probably into the late teens. I would have never expected the 2nd round though. Fortunately for Blair and the Spurs, he ended up in a great situation. I mean in my mind the Spurs just picked up a younger and more athletic version of Kurt Thomas. Blair should be great alongside Tim Duncan, which will create an absolute dominate duo on the boards for the Spurs. I love the possibilities here. Of course there's always the possibility that the Spurs sign someone like Rasheed Wallace to take over the PF/C duties next to Duncan. Either way, I think Blair will be able to provide a productive 15-20 minutes a game for the Spurs this season.

Stephen Curry: Don Nelson says Curry is staying in Golden State, which is all well and good, but apparently the Amare Stoudemire trade is not going to go down unless Curry is involved. For now the trade seems dead, but it's believed that it could pick up steam again, so don't be surprised to see Curry headed to Phoenix.

Hedo Turkoglu: Word on the street is that he is eventually going to sign with Detroit Pistons at some point along with Carlos Boozer. That would be a pretty decent upgrade for the Pistons, but I don't think it would be a wise one. You're not going to win an NBA title with Hedo Turkoglu and Carlos Boozer as your best two players, so I think it would be better for the Pistons to sit tight and wait for the 2010 free agent class. Hell, I'm not even sure you could win an NBA title with Chris Bosh as your best player. Turkolgu is looking for a deal similar to Corey Maggette's 5 year, $50 deal from last year. Can't say I blame him since he's probably better than Maggette or at least healthier.

Boston Celtics: The Celtics main targets in free agency are Rasheed Wallace, Grant Hill, and Anthony Parker. However, rumor has it that Rasheed does not want to play in Boston despite the fact that KG has been trying to sell the Celtics to him. Other options for the Celtics include Linas Kleiza, Francisco Oberto, and Bruce Bowen.

Memphis Grizzlies: A lot of people are hating on the Grizzlies, but I like what they did for themselves in the draft. They don't need Hasheem Thabeet to be a scorer, he just needs to be a force on the defensive end and since he is still relatively new to the game of basketball there is a chance that he develops on offense even more over time. With their other two picks, the Grizzlies drafted DeMarre Carroll and Sam Young, who should be able to provide energy and toughness to a team that definitely needs some. The could both be solid bench players for years to come. Put those three players along with Rudy Gay, O.J. Mayo, Mike Conley, Hakim Warrick, & Marc Gasol and the Grizzlies have a very solid young nucleus.

More: NBA & NBA Draft

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